This module includes:

  • 1


    • Managing Your Time

    • Introduction to Head Injury Scenario

    • Communication Techniques in Neuro

    • Before Approaching Sumeera

    • Scenario and Overview of Recent History

    • Neuro Obs Steps

    • GCS

    • GCS Monitoring

    • Doing the obs

    • Maintaining Safe Environment

    • Breathing

    • Religion

    • Mobility

    • Demonstration video

  • 2


    • Introduction to Planning

    • Nursing Problems

    • Scenario

    • Aims of Plan of Care

    • Maintaining a safe Environment Dependence

    • Nursing Interventions

    • Self Care Person-Centred and Holistic

    • Example Care Plans

    • Planning Explained

  • 3


    • Implementation Station

    • Sumeeras MAR

    • Suggested Checking Routine

    • Medication Administration Demonstration

  • 4


    • What to include

    • Details of the Content

    • SBAR Handover Explained