Course curriculum

  • 1

    Assessment End Of Life

    • Assessment explained

    • End of Life ADLs care considerations

    • End Of Life Assessment Video

    • APIE scenario

    • Candidate Briefing

    • Candidate Notes

    • A-E Assessment

    • Main concerns of End of Life patient

    • Main symptoms of EOL patient

  • 2

    EOL Planning

    • Care Planning in EOL explained

    • EOL Scenario Planning

    • EOL Example Care Plans

    • Main Planning Problems

    • EOL interventions

  • 3

    Implementation EOL

    • Implementation explained

    • Implementation Demo

    • EOL Scenario Implementation

    • MAR Example EOL

    • Medications in EOL

  • 4

    Evaluation EOL

    • Evaluation Explained

    • EOL Scenario

    • SBAR example

    • What to handover

    • Social situation